Thursday, October 28, 2010

Saying Goodbye

Today I say goodbye to Mexico.

It strikes me that we know all to well how to say hello, how to welcome somebody or something into our lives, and yet how many of really knows how to say goodbye?

In every moment of our lives, we are bidding farewell. Farewell to people, places, moments, thoughts, feelings, pieces of ourselves. We just fail to acknowledge these moments, busy, as we are with the new and the novel.

A good welcome is one that is met with trust, optimism and appreciation.
I hope to learn how to treat goodbyes in the same manner.

1 comment:

Sean said...

Every sentence in this post is quotable. What a leap in writing from 2008 to 2010. Amazing what two years can do.

Wonderful insight as usual.

I’ve never been one for goodbyes.

Instead: a look, a shaking of hands, and if any words are past at all, perhaps something like: “Until that day.”

Until that Day then